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Data suggests which features buyers are looking for, by ranking the most popular ‘key words’ highlighted to sell houses.
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
How much are estate agent fees? What do estate agent fees usually include? When do you pay estate agent fees?
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
Canterbury Festival will return 15 – 29 October 2022 for a two-week extravaganza of music, performance, talks, family events, science and more in the heart of Kent. Each year the programme offers unique experiences that could only happen as part of the Canterbury Festival...
General | Special Offers | Local Interest
All change! We aren’t just talking about leaves on the trees - which can I say, are looking spectacular across East Kent right now. Our news is about how our team has changed this month.
Peter Winkworth, our long-serving Lettings Manager for Sandwich, retired this month. He played a central to the growth and nature of Finn’s Lettings service.
Peter's conscientious and professional approach to every aspect of Lettings was appreciated by landlords and tenants alike as he was ever mindful of their priorities and concerns - while ensuring that all legal obligations were fulfilled by all parties. If that sounds tricky, reflect for a moment on how long he worked...